Aims and Scope Aims and Scope Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture encourages the submission of manuscripts that deal with all aspects of optimizing the quality and quantity of both plant and animal yield and final products. These aspects include agricultural economics and management, agricultural engineering and mechanization, agronomy and crop science, fish breeding, poultry breeding, plants and animals breeding, biotechnology, molecular biology, genetic diversity and breeding, food science and technology, land resources, land use, and remote sensing.

  • Editor in Chief : Tambun Sihotang, S.Agr., M. Agr.
  • ISSN : 0126-1894 (Print) |  2962-9217 (Online)
  • DOI : 10.59651/ccria | Indexing : Sinta 5
  • Frekuensi : Quarterly (January, April, July, October)

Current Issue

Vol. 18 No. 3 (2024): July: Agriculture and related sciences
					View Vol. 18 No. 3 (2024): July: Agriculture and related sciences

Aims and Scope Contributions of Central Research Institute for Agriculture encourages the submission of manuscripts that deal with all aspects of optimizing the quality and quantity of both plant and animal yield and final products. These aspects include agricultural economics and management, agricultural engineering and mechanization, agronomy and crop science, fish breeding, poultry breeding, plants and animals breeding, biotechnology, molecular biology, genetic diversity and breeding, food science and technology, land resources, land use, and remote sensing.

Published: 2024-07-30
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